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Top Marketers: The Intersection of PR and Multifamily

March 7, 2024

Seth Linden of Dukas Linden Public Relations believes that thought leadership and transparency are at the forefront of any good real estate campaign. Find out why!

In the real estate industry, sometimes things can go wrong no matter how much you prepare. That’s why having a good public relations team is key. Whether its prepping for plan A, going to plan B or dealing with an absolute crisis, Seth Linden, president of Dukas Linden Public Relations, knows how to best execute a good playbook.

Linden has been president of the firm since 2014, previously serving as executive vice president. In his current role, he heads up client communications counsel, client programs, media coaching, crisis management and more for everyone from non-profits to small organizations to Fortune 500 companies.

In this Top Marketers Episode, Multi-Housing News Associate Editor Jordana Rothberg and Linden talk about what it means to be a good PR rep, and also what it means to be a good client. From thought leadership to content creation, there is always more to be done from a PR perspective.

Follow along as the two delve into:

  • Linden’s background in journalism and path to a career in PR (1:00)
  • Learning the ins and outs of the industry (5:00)
  • The best, as well as the more complicated, clients to work with (6:15)
  • A discipline to media coaching and messaging (10:00)
  • The importance of being a thought leader (11:45)
  • Transparency with your team and the media (15:50)
  • Crisis prep and building out a response team (17:20)
  • The differences between working with multifamily versus CRE clients (19:15)
  • What good content looks like (22:15)
  • How to be a valuable industry partner to real estate clients (24:15)